I met this one gay fellow who immediately started hitting on me. At first it was kinda cool, we grinded to some music and then he said "I'm sorry..." I was like "for what?" and then he leaned in and kissed me. It was a full on kiss with tongue and everything. Again I was
like, oh that's pretty awesome!
buuuuuut then it got a little annoying especially since I didn't even find him that attractive. I went up to the bathroom and he of course followed me in. We peed (he sat down :S) and then we made out some more. Headed back downstairs and made out even more. At this point people started getting weirded out and leaving the room, which made me feel really awkward. He kept telling me that he only wanted me and asked if I liked him more than one of the other guys. He was really getting on my nerves and everyone else could tell.
Around 4am people were starting to get tired and he wanted to take me up to a room to be alone, but I had enough. I pretended that I was starting to pass out and he kept trying to wake me up. I was originally going to stay over, but now I was thinking that I didn't want to wake up in the middle of the night with a dick in my mouth. Ended up ditching him and driving home. Too bad I added him on facebook before I realized he was a clingy freak...
Here he is flashing some sort of gang sign: