Monday, October 19, 2009

J here.. finally!

apparently my bffs are sluts.. B flirting with a different boy every week and F getting his package grabbed after a cute movie date! :O

I pretty much stopped talking to my hot summer booty call... and he came into my work the other day for a totally awkward experience, fun stuff. And sure enough he text me a couple days after our awkward run in and asked if I wanted to hook up lol

buuut I said no, obviously because .. I'm seeing this super adorable cutie who I pretty much spend every night with.. it's been about 3 weeks now so it's pretty exciting ..except now my blogs are a little boring but I will promise to write more often!

p.s F lets see this hook up with the fireman actually happen, we've been waiting far too long to hear details about what hes packing lol

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


AGAIN! Why does my mom always have to fuck with my plans!
Damn it!
I'll let you know if I get to see Kyle today or not...


Thursday, October 8, 2009


So I hope you guys didn't get your hopes up too much. K and I have had to reschedule for sometime next week. His brother was really sick and had to stay home and I didn't even have a car to get to his place. Hopefully next week will work out...
I'll keep you informed!


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Don't get your hopes up...yet...

So K and I went and saw "The invention of Lying".
I really really enjoyed it. It was clever and funny and touching.
But before I go into further detail, lemme go back to the beginning when I first picked up K.
I got to his house and waited in his driveway for him to come out. He got in the car and off we went. I'm glad he's a talker cause it keeps things from being awkward...
We get to the theatre and we get our seats.
I thought maybe jokingly I would do the whole "yawn and stretch the arm around his neck" move, but ultimately decided against it.
Anyways, during the movie there were a couple of times when K laughed and kinda leaned his head into me.
Super Cute.

Then the movie was over and we headed back to the car.
It was at this point that I began to wonder what was gonna happen...
I asked where we should head next and he never gave me an I just sorta headed back to his place. On the way home he mentioned that we should've gone to the drive in.
Which I thought immediately would've been amazingly fun (and by fun I mean "great place to make out")
But unfortunately I have school at 8:30am so that wouldn't have worked out.
I pulled into his driveway and he mentioned that we should have lunch sometime.
I'm done school early on Wednesday and we decided to plan it for then...and btw his parents aren't home during the day soooooo....we should get some alone time....
Anyways, once he was about to get out I held out my arms for a hug and he gave a big one, followed by a weency peck on the cheek. I was honestly hoping for more, but then he said "So, lunch on Wednesday, and then I can see all of you" as he reached down and grabbed my dick through my jeans.




So tonight (if my mom doesn't screw up my plans) my fireman friend and I will be going to see "The Invention of Lying" at 7:40pm. Which will leave us just enough time know.
If anything goes down (myself included), I'll let you know.
